Monday, May 6, 2024

Mountain Plus Deals, Sales, Coupons

Mountain Plus Deal of the Day

Mountain Plus

We’ve been online for a long, long time. We started the idea of Mountains Plus way back in 1995 back when Yahoo was ‘old school’ grey with blue links and Amazon was this ‘new’ site where you could buy books from some dude named Jeff who was shipping them out of his garage and making $20,000/week. It was the Wild West in many ways and we had to build everything we had and learn everything along the way. While we weren’t the first ( was) to take the idea of selling outdoor gear to the internet…but we’re pretty darn sure we were the Second.

We were one of Camelbak’s first dealers (back when they were FastTrak systems out of TX) and we’ve seen many brands come and go in the nearly 15 years we’ve braved the wild and wooly world of outdoor e-commerce.

In all this time we’ve learned that there are really two things that matter when you buy outdoor equipment: how you feel when you buy it and how you feel when you use it.

We are 100% DEDICATED to making sure you feel great doing both!

Mountain Plus Sales and Coupons

Mountain Plus Sale Items 30% and more off!

// If you change the boolean in the function call from true to false it will output full pagination links (eg. < Prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | Next >)
$strHtml = str_replace(““, getPawPagination($strHtml, true), $strHtml);

// Stream back the response
echo $strHtml;

function getPawPagination($strHtml, $blnSimpleStyle)
$strPaginationHtml = “”;
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$intPage = intval($arrPagination[2]);
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// Find the root URL for this page
if (isset($_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”])) {
$strRootUrl = $_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”];

// Strip off any parameters from our root URL, those will
// be re-added correctly below
$intPos = strpos($strRootUrl, “?”);
if ($intPos !== false) {
$strRootUrl = substr($strRootUrl, 0, $intPos);
else {
$strRootUrl = $_SERVER[“PHP_SELF”];

$strParams = “?”;
$intParamCount = 0;
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
if ($key != “paw_page”) {
if ($intParamCount == 0) { $strParams .= $key . “=” . $value; }
else { $strParams .= “&” . $key . “=” . $value; }

if ($strParams == “?”) { $strPaginationUrl = $strRootUrl . $strParams . “paw_page=”; }
else { $strPaginationUrl = $strRootUrl . $strParams . “&paw_page=”; }

if ($intProductCount > $intProductsPerPage) {
$intTotalPages = ceil($intProductCount/$intProductsPerPage);
else { $intTotalPages = 0; }

if ($intTotalPages > 0) {
if ($intPage > 1) { $strPaginationHtml = “< Prev “; }
else { $strPaginationHtml = “< Prev "; } if (!$blnSimpleStyle) { for ($i=1; $i<=($intTotalPages); $i++) { if ($intPage == $i) { $strPaginationHtml .= " | " . $i . " "; } else { $strPaginationHtml .= " | ” . $i . “ “; }

$strPaginationHtml .= ” | “;

if (($intPage + 1) <= $intTotalPages) { $strPaginationHtml .= " Next >“; }
else { $strPaginationHtml .= ” Next >”; }

