Sunday, May 19, 2024

Vibram FiveFingers

Curious about Vibram FiveFingers, be sure and read our article Vibram FiveFingers by professional triathlete Taylor Seavey.

// If you change the boolean in the function call from true to false it will output full pagination links (eg. < Prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | Next >)
$strHtml = str_replace(““, getPawPagination($strHtml, true), $strHtml);

// Stream back the response
echo $strHtml;

function getPawPagination($strHtml, $blnSimpleStyle)
$strPaginationHtml = “”;
$intPaginationStart = strpos($strHtml, ““);
$intPaginationStart = ($intPaginationStart + 24);
$intLength = $intPaginationEnd – $intPaginationStart;
$strPagination = substr($strHtml, $intPaginationStart, $intLength);
$arrPagination = explode(“|”, $strPagination);
$intProductsPerPage = intval($arrPagination[0]);
$intProductCount = intval($arrPagination[1]);
$intPage = intval($arrPagination[2]);
if ($intPage == 0) { $intPage = 1; }

// Find the root URL for this page
if (isset($_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”])) {
$strRootUrl = $_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”];

// Strip off any parameters from our root URL, those will
// be re-added correctly below
$intPos = strpos($strRootUrl, “?”);
if ($intPos !== false) {
$strRootUrl = substr($strRootUrl, 0, $intPos);
else {
$strRootUrl = $_SERVER[“PHP_SELF”];

$strParams = “?”;
$intParamCount = 0;
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
if ($key != “paw_page”) {
if ($intParamCount == 0) { $strParams .= $key . “=” . $value; }
else { $strParams .= “&” . $key . “=” . $value; }

if ($strParams == “?”) { $strPaginationUrl = $strRootUrl . $strParams . “paw_page=”; }
else { $strPaginationUrl = $strRootUrl . $strParams . “&paw_page=”; }

if ($intProductCount > $intProductsPerPage) {
$intTotalPages = ceil($intProductCount/$intProductsPerPage);
else { $intTotalPages = 0; }

if ($intTotalPages > 0) {
if ($intPage > 1) { $strPaginationHtml = “< Prev “; }
else { $strPaginationHtml = “< Prev "; } if (!$blnSimpleStyle) { for ($i=1; $i<=($intTotalPages); $i++) { if ($intPage == $i) { $strPaginationHtml .= " | " . $i . " "; } else { $strPaginationHtml .= " | ” . $i . “ “; }

$strPaginationHtml .= ” | “;

if (($intPage + 1) <= $intTotalPages) { $strPaginationHtml .= " Next >“; }
else { $strPaginationHtml .= ” Next >”; }

